Spanish Words That Start With H
Table of Contents
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
habia – hasta luego
Spanish | English | |
habia | there was | |
habilidad | ability | |
habitación | habitation | |
habitante | inhabitant | |
hábito | habit | |
hace viento | windy | |
hacha | hatchet | |
hambre | hunger | |
hamburguesa | hamburger | |
harina | flour | |
harto de | sick of | |
hasta | unitl | |
hasta | up to | |
hasta la vista | Unitil I see you again | |
hasta luego | until then |
hasta manana – hermoso
hasta manana | until tomorrow | |
hay | there is, are | |
haz! | make! | |
hecho | fact | |
hegemonía | hegemony | |
helado | ice cream | |
helado de vainilla | vanillia ice cream | |
helicóptero | helicopter | |
helio | helium | |
hemisferio | hemisphere | |
heredero | heir | |
hereditario | hereditary | |
herencia | inheritance | |
herido/a | wounded | |
hermana | sister | |
hermandad | brother hood | |
hermano | brother | |
hermoso | beautiful |
héroe – hipopótamo
héroe | hero | |
heroico | heroic | |
heroina | heroin | |
heroísmo | heroism | |
herramienta | tool | |
hidrógeno | hydrogen | |
hielo | ice | |
hierba | herb | |
hierba | grass | |
higado | liver | |
hija | daugther | |
hijo | son | |
himno | hymn | |
hiperactivo | hyperactive | |
hipopótamo | hippopotamus |
hipoteca – homeopatía
hipoteca | mortgage | |
hipótesis | hypothesis | |
historia | history | |
historia, cuento | story | |
historiador | historian | |
histórico | historical | |
hoja | leaf | |
hola | hello | |
holgazan | loafer | |
holografía | holography | |
holograma | hologram | |
hombre | man | |
hombro | shoulder | |
homenaje | homage | |
homeopatía | homeopathy |
homicidio – horrendo
homicidio | homicide | |
homínido | hominid | |
homocíclico | homocyclic | |
homogeneización | homogenization | |
honestidad | honesty | |
honesto, honrado/a | honest | |
honrado | honored | |
hora | hour | |
hora | time | |
horario | schedule | |
horizontalmente | horizontally | |
horizonte | horizon | |
hormiga | ant | |
hormona | hormone | |
horno | oven | |
horrendo | horrendous |
horticultura – huracán
horticultura | horticulture | |
hospital | hospital | |
hospitalidad | hospitality | |
hosquedad | gloominess | |
hostil | hostile | |
hostilidad | hostility | |
hotel | hotel | |
hoy | today | |
hueso | bone | |
huevo | egg | |
huevos duros | eggs hardboiled | |
humanidad | humanity | |
humano | human | |
húmedo | humid | |
humildad | humility | |
humilde | humble | |
humor | humorous | |
humorístico | humorous | |
huracán | hurricane |
Spanish Words That Start With H