Spanish Words That Start With L
Table of Contents
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
labor – latitud
Spanish | English | |
labor | labour | |
laborar | labor | |
laboratorio | laboratory | |
laborioso | laborious | |
lácteo | lacteous | |
lado | side | |
ladrillo | brick | |
lago | lake | |
lagrima | tear | |
laguna | lacuna | |
laguna | lagoon | |
lamentación | lamentation | |
lámpara | lamp | |
lana | wool | |
langosta | lobster | |
lapiz | pencil | |
largo | large | |
largo | long | |
lastima | pity | |
lata | can | |
latente | latent | |
latin | latin | |
latitud | latitude |
lavaplatos – letra
lavaplatos | dishwasher | |
lazo | lasso | |
leal | loyal | |
lealtad | loyalty | |
lección | lesson | |
leche | milk | |
lechuga | lettuce | |
lector | reader | |
lectura | lecture | |
lectura | reading | |
legislador | legislator | |
legislar | legislate | |
legítimo | legitimate | |
legua | league | |
legumbres | legumes | |
lejos de | away from | |
lejos de | far (from) | |
lengua | tongue | |
lengua | language | |
lente | lens | |
lenteja | lentil | |
lento | slow | |
león | lion | |
leopardo | leopard | |
letra | letter |
letrero – limitar
letrero | lettering | |
ley | law | |
leyenda | legend | |
liberalismo | liberalism | |
libertad | freedom | |
libertad | liberty | |
libra | pound | |
libre | free | |
libre | liberal | |
libreria | bookstore | |
librero, librera | bookcase | |
libro | book | |
licencia | licence | |
licenciado | graduate | |
licenciado | licensed | |
lícito | licit | |
licor | liquor | |
líder | leader | |
liderazgo | leadership | |
liga | league | |
ligado | legato | |
ligamento | ligament | |
limitación | limitation | |
limitado | limited | |
limitar | limit |
límite – llave
límite | limit | |
limón | lemon | |
limonada | lemonade | |
limpio | cleam | |
limpio | limpid | |
linaje | lineage | |
línea | line | |
lino | linen | |
liquidar | liquidate | |
líquido | liquid | |
lírico | lyric | |
lírico | lyrical | |
liso | straight | |
lista | list | |
lista de platos | menu | |
listo/a | ready | |
literario | literary | |
literatura | literature | |
literatura no novelesca | non fiction | |
litio | lithium | |
litoral | littoral | |
litro | liter | |
llamada | call | |
llamada telefonica | phone call | |
llave | key |
lleno de – luz
lleno de | full of | |
llovizna | rainfall | |
lluvia | rain | |
lluvioso/a | rainy | |
lo, le | him | |
lobo | wolf | |
localidad | locality | |
loco | crazy | |
loco/a | insane | |
locura | craziness | |
locutor | announcer | |
lógica | logic | |
lógico | logical | |
lomo de cerdo | pork loin | |
longitud | longitude | |
los, las | them | |
lotería | lottery | |
lucha | fight | |
lúcido | lucid | |
luego | then | |
lugar | place | |
lumbrera | luminary | |
luminosidad | luminosity | |
luminoso | luminous | |
luna | moon | |
luna de miel | honeymoon | |
lunático | lunatic | |
lunes | Monday | |
lunes | monday | |
luz | light |
Spanish Words That Start With L
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