Spanish Words That Start With M
Table of Contents
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
madera – mantequilla
Spanish | English | |
madera | wood | |
madre, mama | mother | |
madrina | godmother | |
madrugada | early morning | |
madurez | maturity | |
maduro | mature | |
maduro/a | ripe | |
maestro de ceremonias | master of ceremonies | |
maestro/a | teacher | |
magia | magic | |
mágico | magical | |
magistrado | magistrate | |
magistral | magisterial | |
magnesio | magnesium | |
magnético | magnetic | |
magnífico | magnificent | |
magnitud | magnitude | |
mago/a | magician | |
maiz | corn | |
maíz | maize | |
majestad | majesty | |
mal humor | bad mood | |
malecon | pier | |
maleta | suitcase | |
malicia | malice | |
maligno | malignant | |
malo | bad | |
manana | tomorrow | |
manana | morning | |
manazana | apple | |
mancha | stain | |
mandato | mandate | |
manejable | manageable | |
manejo | manage | |
manera | manner | |
manera | way | |
manga | sleeve | |
manganeso | manganese | |
manifestación | manifestation | |
manifiesto | manifesto | |
maniobra | maneuver | |
manipular | manipulate | |
mano | hand | |
manta | blanket | |
mantel | tablecloth | |
mantener | maintain | |
mantener | maintain | |
mantequilla | butter |
manto – materia
manto | mantel | |
manufacturar | manufacture | |
manuscrito | manuscript | |
mapa | map | |
máquina | machine | |
maquina de escribir | typewriter | |
maquina de fax | fax machine | |
maquinaria | machinery | |
mar | sea | |
maraton | marathon | |
maravilla | marvel | |
maravilloso | marvelous | |
maravilloso | wonderful | |
marca | brand | |
marca | mark | |
marcado | marked | |
marcar | mark | |
marcha | march | |
marchar | march | |
margarina | margarine | |
margen | margin | |
marido | husband | |
marina | marine | |
marino | marine | |
marionetas | marionettes | |
mariposa | butterfly | |
marisco | shellfish | |
marítimo | maritime | |
mármol | marble | |
marqués | marquis | |
marron | coffee colored | |
marron | dark brown | |
Marte | Mars | |
martes | Tuesday | |
martillo | hammer | |
mártir | martyr | |
martirio | martyrdom | |
marvilloso | marvelous | |
marzo | march (month) | |
mas | more | |
mas tarde | later | |
masa | mass | |
masaje | massage | |
mascara | mask | |
mascota | pet | |
masoquismo | masochism | |
matemática | mathematics | |
matematicas | math | |
matemático | mathematical | |
materia | matter |
materno – mentir
materno | maternal | |
maton | killer | |
matricula | registration | |
matrimonio | matrimony | |
máxima | maxim | |
maximizar | maximise | |
máximo | maximum | |
mayo | may | |
mayor | major | |
mayor | older | |
mayoría | majority | |
mecánica | mechanics | |
mecánico | mechanical | |
mecánico | mechanic | |
mecanismo | mechanism | |
medalla | medal | |
media hora | half an hour | |
mediano | median | |
medianoche | midnight | |
mediar | mediate | |
medias | stockings | |
medicina | medicine | |
médico | medic | |
médico | medical | |
medida | measure | |
medio | midle | |
medio, mitad | half | |
medio, mediano | medium | |
mediodia | midday | |
mediodia | noon | |
meditación | meditation | |
mejor | better | |
mejor | best | |
melancolía | melancholy | |
melancólico | melancholic | |
melon | melon | |
memorable | memorable | |
memoria | memory | |
mención | mention | |
mencionado | mentioned | |
mendigo | mendicant | |
menor | minor | |
menor | younger | |
menos | less | |
menos | minus | |
mensaje | message | |
mensaje de texto | text message | |
mensajero | messenger | |
mente | mind | |
mentir | to lie (tell lies) |
mentiroso – misticismo
mentiroso/a | liar | |
mercado | market | |
merced | mercy | |
mercurio | mercury | |
merecido | merited | |
mérito | merit | |
mérito | merited | |
mermelada | jam | |
mes | month | |
mesa | table | |
metálico | metallic | |
metamórfico | metamorphic | |
metira | lie | |
metódico | methodical | |
método | methodical | |
método | method | |
metro | meter | |
metrópoli | metropolis | |
mezcla | mixture | |
mi, mis, mio, mia | my | |
microfono | microphone | |
microondas | microwave | |
microscopio | microscope | |
miembro | member | |
mientras | while (a while) | |
mientras tanto | meanwhile | |
miercoles | Wednesday | |
migrar | migrate | |
mil | thousand | |
milicia | militia | |
militar | military | |
milla | mile | |
millón | million | |
millonario | millionaire | |
mina | mine | |
minero | miner | |
miniatura | miniature | |
minifalda | miniskirt | |
minimizar | minimise | |
mínimo | minimal | |
mínimo | minimum | |
ministerio | ministry | |
ministro | minister | |
minuto | minute | |
miseria | misery | |
misión | mission | |
mismo, misma | same | |
misterio | mystery | |
misterioso | mysterious | |
misticismo | mysticism |
místico – mover
místico | mystic | |
mito | myth | |
mitochondria | mitochondria | |
mitochondria | mitochondrion | |
mixto | mixed | |
mjuer, senora | woman | |
mochila | backpack | |
moda | mode | |
modelo | model | |
moderación | moderation | |
moderado | moderate | |
moderno | modern | |
modestia | modesty | |
modesto | modest | |
modificación | modification | |
modificar | modify | |
modismo | idiom | |
modo | mode | |
mojado | wet | |
molino | mill | |
momentáneo | momentary | |
momento | moment | |
monarca | monarch | |
monarquía | monarchy | |
monasterio | monastery | |
moneda | coin | |
moneda, dinero | money | |
monje | monk | |
mono | monkey | |
monstruo | monster | |
monstruoso | monstrous | |
montado | mounted | |
montaña | mountain | |
monte | mount | |
monumento | monument | |
moralidad | morality | |
mordidia | bite | |
moreno | brunette | |
moreno | dark haired | |
moroso | morose | |
mortalidad | mortality | |
mosca | fly | |
mosquito | mosquito | |
mostrador | counter | |
motivación | motivatio | |
motivar | motivate | |
motivo | motive | |
moto, motocicleta | motorcycle | |
motor | engineer | |
mover | move |
móvil – muy
móvil | mobile | |
movimiento | movement | |
Mozo | waiter | |
muchas gracias | thank you (very much) | |
muchas veces | many times | |
muchas veces | often | |
mucho | many | |
mucho | much | |
mucho / mucha | a lot | |
mucho tiempo | a long time | |
mucho/a | lottery | |
mudo | mute | |
mueble | furniture | |
muerte | mort | |
muerte | death | |
muerto | dead | |
multa | fine (traffic ticket) | |
multiplicación | multiplication | |
multiplicar | multiply | |
multitud | multitude | |
mundo | world | |
muneca | doll | |
muneca | wrist | |
munición | munition | |
municipio | municipality | |
músculo | muscle | |
museo | museum | |
música | music | |
músico | musician | |
mutante | mutant | |
mutuo | mutual | |
muy | very |