Spanish Words That Start With T
Table of Contents
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
taxista – telefono celular
Spanish | English | |
taxista | cab driver | |
tijeras | scissors | |
tabaco | tobacco | |
taberna | tavern | |
tacon | heel | |
tacto | tact | |
tal | such (a) | |
tal cosa | such a thing | |
taladro | drill | |
talento | talent | |
talentoso | talented | |
talla | size | |
tamal | tamale | |
tambien | also | |
tambien | too | |
tampoco | either | |
tampoco | neither | |
tan | so | |
tan pronto como | as soon as | |
tanto como | as much as | |
tanto/a | so much | |
tantos/as | so many | |
tapa | cover | |
tapa | appetizer | |
tarde | late | |
tarde | afternoon | |
tarde o temprano | sooner or later | |
tardo | tardy | |
tarea | assignment | |
tarea | chore | |
tarea | homework | |
tarea | task | |
tarifa | tariff | |
tarjeta de credito | credit card | |
tarjeta | card | |
tarta | tart | |
taxi | taxi | |
taza | cup | |
té | tea | |
teatral | theatrical | |
teatro | theater | |
techo | roof | |
técnica | technique | |
técnico | technical | |
tecnología | technology | |
tedioso | tedious | |
teléfono | telephone | |
telefono celular | cell phone |
telégrafo – textil
telégrafo | telegraph | |
telegrama | telegram | |
telescopio | telescope | |
televidente | television viewer | |
television, televisor | television | |
tema | theme | |
tembloroso | trembling | |
tembloroso | tremulous | |
temor | fear | |
temperamento | temperament | |
temperatura | temperature | |
templo | temple | |
temporal | temporal | |
temporal | temporary | |
temporario | temporary | |
temprano | early | |
tenacidad | tenacity | |
tenaz | tenacious | |
tendencia | tendency | |
tenedor | fork | |
teniente | tenant | |
tenis | tennis | |
tensión | tension | |
tenso | tense | |
tentación | temptation | |
tentar | tempt | |
teologia | theology | |
teoría | theory | |
teórico | theoretical | |
tercer | third | |
tercero | tertiary | |
terminación | termination | |
terminado | terminated | |
terminar | terminate | |
término | term | |
ternera | veal | |
ternura | tenderness | |
terraza | terrace | |
terremoto | earthquake | |
terreno | terrain | |
terrestre | terrestrial | |
territorio | territory | |
terso | terse | |
tesis | thesis | |
tesoro | treasure | |
testamento | testament | |
testigo | witness | |
testimonio | testimony | |
tetera | teapot | |
textil | textile |
texto – toque
texto | text | |
tia | aunt | |
tibio | tepid | |
tiempo | weather | |
tiempo | time | |
tienda | tent | |
tienda | shop | |
tienda | store | |
tienda de ropa | clothing store | |
tierra | earth | |
tigre | tiger | |
timbre | bell | |
timidez | timidity | |
tímido | timid | |
timido/a | shy | |
tinta | ink | |
tinte | tint | |
tio | uncle | |
típico | typical | |
tipo | type | |
tiranía | tyranny | |
tirano | tyrant | |
titulado | titled | |
título | title | |
tiza | chalk | |
to bomb | bombardear | |
toalla | towel | |
tocadiscos | record player | |
tocino | salted pork | |
todas las semanas | every week | |
todavia | still | |
todavia | yeti | |
todo | all | |
todo | everything | |
todo dia | all day long | |
todo mundo, todos | everybody | |
todo recto | straight ahead | |
todo, a todos partes | every | |
todos los dias | every day | |
todos los domingos | every Sunday | |
tolerancia | tolerance | |
tolerante | tolerant | |
tomate | tomato | |
tomo | tome | |
tomrenta | storm | |
tonelada | ton | |
tono | tone | |
tonto/a | fool | |
tópico | topical | |
toque | touch |
tormento – trescientos
tormento | torment | |
toro | Taurus | |
torre | tower | |
torrente | torrent | |
torta | cake | |
tortilla | omlet | |
tostada | toast | |
totalidad | totality | |
totalmente | totally | |
tóxico | toxic | |
toxicología | toxicology | |
toxina | toxin | |
trabajador/a | hardworking | |
trabajao | work | |
trabajo | travail | |
tradición | tradition | |
tradicional | traditional | |
traduccion | translation | |
tráfico | traffic | |
tragedia | tragedy | |
trágico/a | tragic | |
traición | treason | |
traicionero | traitor | |
traje | suit | |
traje de bano | bathing suit | |
trama | tram | |
tranquilidad | tranquility | |
tranquilizante | tranquilizer | |
tranquilo | tranquil | |
tranquilo.a, | quiet | |
transeúnte | transient | |
transformación | transformation | |
transformado | transformed | |
tránsito | transit | |
transparencia | transparency | |
transparente | transparent | |
transporte | transport | |
tranvia | trolley | |
tráquea | trachea | |
tratado | treaty | |
tratar | treat | |
trayectoria | trajectory | |
traza | trace | |
trece | thirteen | |
trecho | tract | |
treinta | thirty | |
tremendo | tremendous | |
tren | train | |
tres | three | |
trescientos | three hundred |
triángulo – turquesa
triángulo | triangle | |
tribu | tribe | |
tribuno | tribune | |
tributo | tribute | |
triploide | triploid | |
triste | sad | |
tristeza | sadness | |
triunfante | triumphant | |
triunfo | triumph | |
trivalente | trivalent | |
trombón | trombone | |
trompeta | trumpet | |
tronco | trunk | |
trono | throne | |
tropa | troop | |
trópico | tropic | |
trópico de Cáncer | Tropic of Cancer | |
trópico de Capricornio | Tropic of Capricorn | |
tropismo | tropism | |
tropósfera | troposphere | |
trucha | trout | |
trueno | thunder | |
tu | you (fam) | |
tu, tus | your (fam) | |
tubo | tube | |
tulipan | tulip | |
tumba | tomb | |
túnel | tunnel | |
turba | turf | |
turista | tourist | |
turquesa | turquoise |