7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Be Consistent


When learning Spanish, one of the most important things a new user needs is being consistent.

What actually involves being consistent?

To me being consistent is always acting or behaving in the same way.

The reason why being consistent is such a blessing when learning anything, especially Spanish, is that it gives you a routine. This routine is something to fall back on when you lose that rush of excitement that we all get (even me) when we first start learning something new.

You know that feeling, that rush of excitement when you first decide to do something and your telling everyone and there Grandma (cause who doesn’t want to tell Grandma) that you are learning something and you are going to get it done.

Then a few days or weeks start to go by and you’re starting to lose steam fast, that’s when being consistent pays off because of your consistency, you will have a much stronger desire to keep going because of how much time you put in and if you are doing it at the same time, you will already be conditioned to complete the task at the same time and day.

So how do you be consistent when learning Spanish?

Be Consistent

First, you need to set a time every day that you are going to put aside to study. It doesn’t matter if it is in the morning or night, you just have to pick a time that works for your schedule.

Be Consistent in Spanish - Pick a time

Next, is the hard part. Rain or shine, feeling good or straight crappy, you have to get up and study at that time no matter what. Well it be hard in the beginning, you better believe it. Well it be even harder when you are losing steam, you know it will be.


But if you can stick with it and do it, you will have a much better chance of success versus someone who studies when they can which to the all of us is (never).



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