7 Steps to Mastering Spanish


When learning Spanish, one of the most important things a new user needs is Repetition.


What is Repetition?

Repetition is the act of repeating, or doing, saying, or writing something over and over again.

Why is Repetition so important?

The reason why Repetition is so important when learning anything, especially Spanish, is that it forces your mind to consciously / subconsciously to learn even if you don’t want to by making you do it over and over and over again until you get whatever it is you are trying to learn.

Think about a time in your life when you tried to do something and you failed or did not get the results you wanted. For me it was when I wanted to learn how to play the Guitar.

You know, I always wanted to learn how to play the Guitar and jam out like they do on TV. One night, (why is always at night) I was watching one those home shopping channels (hint It begins with “H”) with a three letter name (hahaha) and they had this deal for a guitar, amp, strings and lessons (total package) and a money back guarantee.  So without thinking twice, I pulled the credit card, jumped at the deal and bought it. While I waited for it to arrive, I imagined all the songs (not just one or two but tons) I would be playing once I learned and couldn’t wait. Well, fast forward about two months later (one month after I got my guitar package) and the guitar, amp, string and lessons where just sitting there, doing nothing. I did open it, I did try and guess what I found out that I was not naturally gifted to just pick up and jam, so I got frustrated, said some not so nice words and gave up way before I even really tried. I thought it would be easy (It was not) and so I did not practice (repeat what I was taught) and soon gave up.

So like me, one of the reasons why you most likely have failed at learning something new was because you gave up too quickly due to frustration/motivation/lack of interest before you became proficient at what you were trying to learn. If you’re being honest with yourself, you gave up way before you tried.

Now, think back to when you were first started to learn how to drive a car. Like the Guitar scenario above, you probably had dreams of freedom, driving down the street all alone enjoying the good life. But once you started learning how to drive, like most of us (including me) you were probably terrible at driving and wanted nothing more but to throw your hands up in defeat and quit. Once, while I was learning to drive with my Mom, I got so frustrated (learning to drive a stick, big no no)and after stalling the card for the hundredth time,  I got out of the car and walked home leaving her alone in the car to drive back.  But unlike the guitar scenario, I did not give up and did succeed.

How did I do it?

I did not quit, I got back in that stupid car and drove every day that I could (find someone to drive with) until I was good enough to A. Get my license and then B. Be good enough to drive confidently and alone.

And what’s another word for all the practice that I did to learn how to drive? That’s right, Repetition.

Without Repetition, you will never, ever be good at speaking, reading, writing or understanding Spanish.


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