Spanish to English Spanish Verbs That End In

Spanish Verbs That End With AR


Spanish Verbs That End With AR

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Abandonar – Almorzar

Spanish English
abandonar to abandon
abdicar to abdicate
abordar to board
abrazar To Hug
abreviar to abbreviate
abundar to abound
abusar to abuse
acabar de to have just
accessar to access
acelerar to accelerate
acentuar to accentuate
aceptar to accept
acercar to mover closer
acercarse to approach
acomodar to accommodate
acompañar to accompany
aconsejar to advise
aconsejar to counsel
acordar to agree (with)
acostar to put to bed
acostarse to go to bed
acostarse to lie down
acostumbrar to accustom
activar to activate
actuar to act
acuchillar to cut up (with a knife)
acumular to accumulate
acusar to accuse
adaptar to adapt
administrar to administrate
admirar to admire
adoptar to adopt
adorar to adore
afectar to affect
afeitarese to shave oneself
afirmar to affirm
agradar to please
Agravar To aggravate
agregar to add
agregar to aggregate
ahogar to choke
ajustar to adjust
al, a la, a los, a las to the
alcanzar to reach
alegrarse to be happy
alejarse to walk away
almorzar to eat lunch
almorzar to have lunch

Alterar – Bostezar

alterar to alter
amar to love
analizar to analyse
anticipar to anticipate
anunciar to announce
apagar to turn off
aparcar to park
aplastar to crush
aplicar to apply
apoyar to support
apreciar to appreciate
apresurarse to hurry
apretar to grip
aprobar to approve
aranar to scratch
arreglar to arrange
arreglar to fix
arrestar to arrest
arrodillarse to kneel
asar a la parrilla to grill
asignar to assign
asimilar to assimilate
asociar to associate
aspirar to aspirate
asustarse to get scare
atacar to attack
aterrizar to land
atrapar to catch
atravesar to traverse
aumentar to augment
automatizar to automate
autorizar to authorize
avanzar to advance
ayudar to help
bailar to dance
bajar to descend
bajar to go down
bajar de to get off, down (from)
balancear to balance
banar to bathe
basar to base
batallar to battle
batear to bat
beatificar to beatify
beber, tomar to drink
besar to kiss
bifurcar to branch
blasfemar to blaspheme
bloquear to blockade
borbotear to bubble
bostezar To Yawn

Brillar – Completar

brillar to shine
buscar to look (for)
buscar to search
calcular to calculate
callarse to be quiet
callerse to be quiet
calmar to calm
cambiar to change
cambiar to exchange
Caminar To walk
cancelar to cancel
cantar to sing
capturar to capture
cargar to load
casar to marry (each other)
causar to cause
cazar to hunt
celebrar to celebrate
cenar to dine
cenar to have dinner
cepillar to brush
cerrar to close
cerrar to shut
Cerrar to close
charlar to chat
chismorrear to gossip
chistar to start to speak
chocar to crash
citar to cite
civilizar to civilize
clarificar to clarify
clasificar to classify
cocinar to cook
codificar to codify
colaborar to collaborate
colectar to collect
colgar to hang (up)
columpiarse to swing
comandar to command
combatir to combat
combinar to combine
comentar to comment
comenzar to commence
comenzar to stay
comer to eat
comparar to compare
compeler to compel
compensar to compensate
compilar to compile
complementar to complement
completar to complete

Complicar – Declarar

complicar to complicate
comportar to comport
comportarse to behave
comprar to buy
comprar to purchase
comprobar to check
computar to compute
comunicar to communicate
concentrar to concentrate
conceptualizar to conceptualize
concluir to conclude
conectar to connect
confesar to confess
confiar to confide
confiar to trust
confinar to confine
confirmar to confirm
conformar to conform
confortar to comfort
congelar to freeze
conjeturar to conjecture
conjugar to conjugate
conmutar to commute
conquistar to conquer
consagrar to consecrate
conservar to conserve
considerar to consider
consolidar to consolidate
consultar to consult
contar to count
contestar to answer
continuar to continue
contrastar to contrast
controlar to control
convencer to convince
conversar to converse
cooperar to cooperate
coordinar to coordinate
copiar to copy
cortar to cut
costar to cost
crear to create
cruzar to cross
cuidar to care for
culpar to blame
cultivar to cultivate
curar to cure
dar to give
deber to owe
debilitar to debilitate
declarar to declare

Declinar – Dudar

declinar to decline
decorar to decorate
dedicar to dedicate
dedicarse a to devote onself to
defectar to defect
deformar to deform
dejar to allow
dejar to let
deletrear to spell
demandar to demand
demostrar to demonstrate
denotar to denote
deportar to deport
depositar to deposit
depreciar to depreciate
derivar to derive
desactivar to difuse
desaparecer to disappear
desaprobar to disapprove
desayunarse to have breakfast
descansar to rest
desear to desire
desear to wish
desembarcar to disembark
deshonrar to disgrace
designar to designate
desmayarse to faint
despachar to dispatch
despegar to take off
despertarse to awake
despertarse to wake up
desviar to deviate
detectar to detect
determinar to determine
detonar to explode
dibujar to draw
diferenciar to differentiate
dignificar to dignify
dilatar to dilate
disciplinar to discipline
discriminar to discriminate
diseñar to design
disfrutar to enjoy
Dispensar to dispense
distorsionar to distort
divorciar to divorce
doblar to turn
dominar to dominate
dosificar to measure out (dose)
ducharse to shower
dudar to doubt

Duplicar – Evacuar

duplicar to double
duplicar to duplicate
durar to last
echar de menos to miss
editar to edit
educar to educate
elevar to elevate
eliminar to eliminate
empacar to pack
empezar to begin
empezar to start
emplear to employ
encantar to enchant
encerrar to lock
encontrar to find
enganar to be a fool
engordar to gain weight
enlazar to link
ensamblar to assemble
ensayar to rehearse
ensenar to teach
enterar to find out
enterrar to bury
entrar to enter
entregar to deliver
Entregar to submit
entretener to entertain
enumerar to enumerate
Enviar to ship
equipar to equip
equivocarse to make a mistake
erosionar to erode
errar to err
errar to wandar
escalar to climb
escapar to escape
escuchar to listen
esperar to hope
esperar To wait
espiar to spy
esquiar to ski
establecer to establish
estar to be (located)
estar bien to be well
estar de pie to be standing
estar estrenido to be constipated
estar to be
estimar to estimate
estornudar to sneeze
estudiar to study
evacuar to evacuate

Evaluar – Habitar

evaluar to evaluate
evocar to evoke
exagerar to exaggerate
exaltar to exalt
examinar to examine
exceder to exceed
exclamar to exclaim
excretar to excrete
excusar to excuse
exigir, rogar to beg
explicar to explain
explorar to explore
explotar to exploit
exportar to export
expresar to express
extrapolar to extrapolate
fabricar to fabricate
facilitar to facilitate
faltar to be missing
faltar to lack
fascinar to fascinate
Felicitar To congratulate
fermentar to ferment
filmar to videotape
firmar to sign
flotar to float
fluctuar to fluctuate
formar to form
formular to formulate
fragmentar to fragment
fumar to smoke
Funcionar To function
galvanizar to galvanize
ganar to earn
ganar to gain
ganar to win
gastar to spend (money)
generar to generate
gfregar to scrub
gfregar to wash disher
gobernar to govern
golpear to hit
grabar to record
gratificar to gratify
gritar to scream
gritar To yell
guardar to keep
guardar cama to stay in bed
guiar to guide
gustar to like (be pleasing)
habitar to dwell

Hablar – Mezclar

hablar to speak
hablar to talk
hacer to do
hacer calor to be warm (weather)
imaginar to imagine
imaginarse to expect
importar to import
impresionar to impress
incrementar to increase
Indicar To indicate
integrar to integrate
intentar to intend
intentar to try
interactuar to interact
interesar to interest
interpretar to interpret
inundar to flood
inventar to invent
investigar to investigate
Invitar to invite
irrespetar to disrespect
jugar to play a game
Juntar to put together
ladrar to bark
lamentar to lament
lastimarse to bother onself
lavar to wash
lavarse to get washed
levantar to raise (pick up)
levantarse to stand up
limpiar to clean
llamar to call
llamar to name
llegar to arrive
llegar a ser, hacerse to become
llenar to fill
llevar to carry
llorar to cry
localizar to locate
lograr to achieve
luchar to fight
malgastar to waste
mandar to send
manejar to manage
maquillarse to put on makeup
marcar to dial
martillar to hammer
matar to kill
Mejorar to improve
mencionar to mention
mezclar to blend

Mirar – Presentar

mirar to look (at)
mirar to watch
mojarse to get wet
molestar to annoy
molestar to bother
montar to ride
mostrar to show
mudar to move (change residence)
nadar to swim
necesitar to need
negar to negate
negarse a to deny
nevar to snow
obligar to force
observar to observe
ocupar to occupy
odiar to hate
olvidar to forget
orar to pray
organizar to organize
otorgar to award
pacificar to pacify
pagar to pay
Para agradecer to grate
parafrasear to paraphrase
parar to stop
parercerse to resemble
parpadear to blink
pasar to happen
pasar to spend (time)
Pasar to pass
pasear to stroll
patinar to skate
pegar to glue
peinarse to comb onself
pelear to quarrel
pensar to think
perder el tiempo to waste time
perjurar to perjure
pesar to weigh
pintar to paint
planchar to iron
plantar to plant
poseer to own
Practicar To practice
preguntar to ask a question
preguntar to question
preocuparse to worry
preparar to prepare
presentar to present

Preservar – Sacar

preservar to preserve
prestar to lend
prestar atencion to pay attention
probar to prove
Probar to test
proclamar to proclaim
pronunciar to pronounce
protestar to protest
quebrar to break (something)
quebrarse to break (a bone)
quedarse to remain
quejarse to complain
quemar to burn
quitar to remove
razonar to reason
realizar to actualize
realizar to perform
Realizar to realize
recapacitar to reconsider
recargar to refill
rechazar to refuse
rechazar to reject
recomendar to recommend
recordar to remember
reemplazar to replace
refinar to refine
reflejar to reflect
refrescar to refresh
regar to water
regodearse to gloat
regresar to return
regular to regulate
rehacer to remake
relacionar to relate
relajar to relax
remarcar to remark
reparar to repair
reportar to report
representar to represent
reservar to reserve
respetar to respect
respirar to breathe
restar to subtract
restaurar to restore
retirar to retire
rezongar to grumble
robar to rob
robar to steal
romper to break
sacar to stick out

Sacar – Tardar

sacar to take out
saltar To Jump
saludar to greet
salvar una vida to save (life)
secarse to dry
sembrar to sow
sentar to seat
Separar To separate
significar to mean
sonar to dream
sonar to ring
sonar to sound
sonar con to dream of
soportar to put up with
sospechar to suspect
subarrendar to sublet
subir to go up
subrayar to underline
sudar to sweat
suicidarse to commit suicide
taladrar to drill
tardar to take time

Telehonear – Vulgarizar

telehonear to phone
tener que to have to
terminar to end
terminar to finish
tirar to throw
tocar to touch
tolerar to tolerate
tomar to take
tomar asiento to get seated
tomar el desayuno, desayunarse to have breakfast
trabajar to work
tragar to swallow
transformar to transform
Tratar to treat
tropezar to stumble
tropezar con to bump into
unificar to unify
usar to use
usar to wear
utilizar to utilise
vaciar to empty
vacilar to vacillate
valer to be worth
variar to vary
verificar to verify
viajar to travel
violar to violate
visitar to visit
volar to fly
votar to vote
vulgarizar to vulgarize



Spanish Verbs That End With AR

-AR     -ER     -IR

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Spanish to English Spanish Verbs That End In

Spanish Verbs That End With ER

Spanish Verbs That End With ER

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Absorber – Caber

Spanish English
absorber to absorb
abstenerse to abstain
acontecer to occur
agradecer to be thankful
ahorrer to save (money)
amanecer to dawn
aparecer to appear
aparecer to appear
aprender to learn
ascender to ascend
atender to attend
atraer to attract
atreverse to dare to
barrer to broom
barrer to sweep
beber to drink
caber to fit

Caer – Coser

caer to drop
caer to fall
coger to catch
coger to grab
comer to eat
cometer to commit
compadecer to sympathize with
compeler to compare
componer to compose
comprender to comprehend
comprender to understand
conceder to concede
conocer to be familiar with
conocer to know
conocerse to become aquainted
contener to contain
convencer to convince
correr to run
corresponder to correspond
coser to sew

Crecer – Encoger

crecer to grow
creer to believe
deber to owe
defender to defend
depender to depend
desagradecer to be unthankful
desaparecer to disappear
descender to descend
deshacer to undo
detener to arrest
detener to detain
devolver to bring back
devolver to return
disolver to dissolve
doler to be painful
doler to hurt
ejercer to exercise
encender to light
encoger to shrink

Enflaquecer – Hacer Fresco

enflaquecer to weaken
enriquecer to enrich
entrever to glimpse
envejecer to age
envolver to wrap
errer to stray
escoger to choose
escoger to pick up (phone)
escoger to select
esconder to hide
esforzar to exert
establecer to establish
exponer to expose
extender to extend
extraer to extract
florecer to flourish
fortalecer to fortify
hacer to make
hacer fresco to be cool

Hacer Frio – Oponer

hacer frio to be cold (weather)
hacer sol to be sunny
leer to read
llover to rain
mantener tp maintain
merecer to deserve
merecer to merit
meter to insert
meter to put in
morder to bite
mover to move
nacer to be born
obedecer to obey
obtener to get
obtener to obtain
ofender to offend
ofrecer to offer
oler to smell
oponer to pit

Padecer – Proceder

padecer to suffer
parecer to seem
perder to lose
permanecer to stay
pertenecer to belong
poder to be able
poder to be able to
poder to be able, can
poner to place
poner to put
poner atencion to pay (attention)
ponerse a dieta to diet
ponerse nervioso to become nervous
poseer to own
poseer to possess
pretender to pretend
prever to forecast
prever to foresee
proceder to proceed

Prometer – Ser

prometer to promise
promover to promote
proponer to propose
proteger to protect
querer to love
querer to want
querer To want
recoger to gather
recoger to pick up
reconocer to recognize
rehacer to redo
renacer to be reborn
resolver to resolve
responder to respond
retener to retain
romper to break
saber to know (acquainted)
satisfacer to satisfy
ser to be

Soler – Tener Ganas

soler to be accustomed to
soler to be used to
sorprender to surprise
sorprenderse to be surprised
sostener to hold
sostener to sustain
suceder to succeed
suponer to suppose
suspender to suspend
taner to play
tejer to knit
temer to dread
temer to fear (be afraid)
tener to have
tener calor to be warm (persons)
tener frio to be cold
tener ganas to feel like

Tener Hambre – Volver

tener hambre to be hungry
tener la culpa to be blamed
tener miedo to be afraid
tener miedo de to be afraid of
tener prisa to be in a hurry
tener razon to be right
tener sueno to be sleepy
terner frio to be cold (person)
torcer to twist
toser to cough
traer to bring
valer to be worth
vencer to conquer
vender to sell
ver to see
volver to go back

Spanish Verbs That End With ER

-AR     -ER     -IR

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Spanish to English Spanish Verbs That End In

Spanish Verbs That End With IR

Spanish Verbs That End With IR

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Abolir – Bendecir


Spanish English
abolir to abolish
abrir to open
aburrirse to be bored
adherir to adhere
admitir to admit
adquirir to acquire
advertir to notice
advertir to warn
afligir to afflict
anadir to add
anadir to add
aplaudir to applaud
arrepentirse to repent
asistir to attend
asumir to assume
atribuir to attribute
batir to beat / hammer
bendecir to bless

Beneficiar – Construir

beneficiar to benefit
circunscribir to circumscribe
coincidir to coincide
combatir to combat
compartir to share
competir to compensate
competir to compete
concebir to conceive
concluir to conclude
concurrir to concur
conducir to drive
conferir to confer
confundir to confuse
conseguir to achieve
conseguir to get
consentir to consent
consisitir to consort
consistir to consist
constituir to constitute
construir to build
construir to construct

Consumer – Descubrir

consumir to consume
contradecir to contradict
contribuir to contribute
convenir to agree (to do somtehing)
convenir to suit
convergir to converge
convertir to convert
convivir to live together
corregir to correct
cubrir to cover
cumplir to fulfil
debatir to debate
decidir to decide
decir To say, tell
decir to tell
deducir to deduce
definir to define
deprimir to depress
derretir to melt
describir to describe
descubrir to discover

Despedir – Exhibir

despedir to dismiss
despedir to fire
despedirse to say goodbye
destruir to destroy
dirigir to direct
discutir to discuss
distinguir to distinguish
distribuir to distribute
disuadir to dissuade
divertir to amuse
divertirse to have fun
dividir to divide
dormir to sleep
dormirse to go to sleep
elegir to choose
elegir to elect
emitir to emit
escribir to write
escupir to spit
excluir to exclude
exhibir to exhibit

Exigir – Insertar

exigir to demand
existir to exist
expandir to expand
extinguir to extinguish
fingir to fake
freir to fry
gemir to moan
grunir to growl
herir to hurt
hervir to boil
huir to flee
huir to run away
impedir to impede
importir to be important
imprimir to print
incluir to include
incurrir to incur
inducir to induce
influir en to influence
inscribir to inscribe
insertar to insert

Insistir – Permitir

insistir to insist
instruir to instruct
interrumpir to interrupt
introducir to introduce
invadir to invade
invertir to invert
invitar to invite
ir to go
irse to go away
medir to measure
mentir to lie
morir to die
obstruir to obstruct
ocurrir to occur
oir to hear
omitir to omit
pedir to ask for
pedir to request
percibir to perceive
permitir to allow
permitir to permit

Perseguir – Renunciar

perseguir to pursue
persistir to persist
persuadir to persuade
predecir to predict
preferir to prefer
presidir to preside
presumir to presume
prevenir to prevent
producir to produce
prohibir to prohibit
proseguir to proceed with
pudrir to rot
recibir to receive
reciclar to recycle
reducir to reduce
reeligir to re-elect
referir to refer
regir to rule
reir to laugh
renir to fight
renunciar to quit

Repetir – Sonreir

repetir to repeat
reproducir to reproduce
requerir to require
residir to reside
resistir to resist
restringir to restrict
reunirse to get together
reunirse to meet
sacudir to dust (clean)
sacudir to shake
salir to go out
salir to leave
salir bien to do well (on an examination)
salir mal to do poorly (on an examination)
salir mal to fail
seguir to follow
Sentir to feel
sentir to sit
servir to serve
sobrevivir to survive
sonreir to smile

Subir – Zambullirse

subir to rise
subir to go up
subir a to get on
substituir to substitute
sufrir to suffer
sugerir to suggest
surgir to emerge
tenir to dye
traducir to translate
transcribir to transcribe
transmitir to transmit
trasferir to transfer
unir to join
unir to unite
venir to come
vestir to dress
vestirse to get dressed
vivir to live
zambullirse to dive

Spanish Verbs That End With IR

-AR     -ER     -IR

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