7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Stay Positive


When learning anything new, wither complex or simple, the easiest attitude to get is to become frustrated and negative. This type of thinking will almost always lead you to lose faith that you will succeed and lead you down the path of another goal not achieved, not attained, not completed and no one wants that.

So how can you avoid this way of thinking when learning something new and Is it possible?

The solution is really simple to say but very hard to do and that’s Stay Positive.

Stay Positive in Spanish - you can do it


So how do you go about staying positive when everything inside of you is telling you that it would be so much easier to be negative and just give up?

Like everything else in life, it takes practice, a whole lot of practice.


Sorry, I know you were probably looking for a magic bullet or an easier answer but there isn’t. If you do find one, please let me know cause up to this point in my life I have yet to find one.

Stay Positive in Spanish

The truth is that you just got to work on staying positive every day.  As they say (who I have no idea), it’s much easier to work on something in good times than It is during the bad times. What I mean is that if have a positive mind frame and you are facing obstacles, your brain will find a way to push through it and not give up. If on other hand you are constantly negative and down in the dumps, you will have no chance of success in learning Spanish or anything for that matter.



So the moral of this story is, staying positive gives you a much better chance of success than being negative. So smile more, frown less and realize that you are not the first nor the last person who has successfully learned Spanish. So chin up, and get going.

The sooner you start, the faster you will get there and when you look back and see how far you have come you will realize that being positive not only helped you learn Spanish but it also impacted every other part of your life.  Soon you will see the glass as half full instead of half empty like you did previously. Like the picture above says “Success ahead” but what it doesn’t say but should is that success can be found in all aspects of your life and all it took was being a little more positive.




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