7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Be Consistent

Be Consistent


When learning Spanish, one of the most important things a new user needs is being consistent.

What actually involves being consistent?

To me being consistent is always acting or behaving in the same way.

The reason why being consistent is such a blessing when learning anything, especially Spanish, is that it gives you a routine. This routine is something to fall back on when you lose that rush of excitement that we all get (even me) when we first start learning something new.

You know that feeling, that rush of excitement when you first decide to do something and your telling everyone and there Grandma (cause who doesn’t want to tell Grandma) that you are learning something and you are going to get it done.

Then a few days or weeks start to go by and you’re starting to lose steam fast, that’s when being consistent pays off because of your consistency, you will have a much stronger desire to keep going because of how much time you put in and if you are doing it at the same time, you will already be conditioned to complete the task at the same time and day.

So how do you be consistent when learning Spanish?

Be Consistent

First, you need to set a time every day that you are going to put aside to study. It doesn’t matter if it is in the morning or night, you just have to pick a time that works for your schedule.

Be Consistent in Spanish - Pick a time

Next, is the hard part. Rain or shine, feeling good or straight crappy, you have to get up and study at that time no matter what. Well it be hard in the beginning, you better believe it. Well it be even harder when you are losing steam, you know it will be.


But if you can stick with it and do it, you will have a much better chance of success versus someone who studies when they can which to the all of us is (never).



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7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Do Not Give Up

Do Not Give Up

When you first start learning Spanish, the easiest thing to do is give up and quit, but instead, please do not give up . If you do, it will be like every other thing that you wanted to do or learn and will just end up as a regret. Trust me on this as I speak from experience.

In the beginning when you first start learning you are all excited with the idea of being able to speak Spanish fluently. Than reality hits you in the face and you soon realize that you can speak words of Spanish but very few if any sentences and have a conversation in Spanish is just a dream.

Why, you ask? Simply put, learning Spanish is (not can, but is) frustrating and hard. And anyone who tells you that you can learn to speak Spanish in ten days or thirty days is straight up lying to you.

When questioned on there results, they will say that you will know some Spanish in 10 or 30 days which as far as i am concerned is a lot different than knowing how to speak Spanish fluently.

Do Not Give Up

So why should not Give Up, because like everything else in life the more you put the more you will get out. and trust when I tell you that the first time you speak to someone in Spanish will be a feeling you will remember for a long, long time.

I can remember one of the first times i spoke only Spanish. I was in a hotel and I needed towels and the cleaning lady only spoke Spanish. So i mustered the courage and I asked her in Spanish, “Yo necesito dos toallas limpias por favor” which translated means “I need two clean towels please” and she gave me two clean towels. I was so happy that I did it and you can achieve that feeling to.

But to get to that point, you have to persevere and push through the hard times to get to the good times.

You can do it, you just have to apply yourself, keep fighting and Don’t give up.

What are you waiting for … the time Learn Spanish is now.


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7 Steps to Mastering Spanish



What is Immersion? You may be asking yourself “Does this mean I have to completely immerse myself in liquid to learn Spanish?”

No, you do not need to physically immerse yourself in any form of liquid to learn Spanish.

Immersion is when you become completely involve yourself in something.

So how does one completely immerse them self’s when learning Spanish without moving to another country that only speaks Spanish or another city for that matter.

Well, it comes down to moderation and time management. Did I say Time Management? Yes, time management.

First thing you need to do is realize is that there is no way that you can live your life only learning and speaking Spanish (unless of course that you are living in a Spanish speaking country or independently wealthy). So if you want to succeed, you need to start small and in short amounts of time. And how would someone go about starting out small and in short amounts of time?

Second, you need to start finding you-tube sites, books, videos and tv stations that only broadcast in Spanish so that you can set aside time in the day where you are only listening, reading or watching Spanish language entertainment.

Third, you need to set aside time each day to watch, read and or listen so that it becomes a routine. The more exposure you can give yourself of Spanish the faster you will be along to learning Spanish.

Fourth, you need to gradually increase the time you are completely immersing yourself each week so that you become more accustomed to only listening, reading or watching Spanish language entertainment each day. The more you do this, the more quickly you will learn how to speak, read and listen to the Spanish language.


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7 Steps to Mastering Spanish



When learning Spanish, one of the most important things a new user needs is Repetition.

What is Repetition?

Repetition is the act of repeating, or doing, saying, or writing something over and over again.

Why is Repetition so important?

The reason why Repetition is so important when learning anything, especially Spanish, is that it forces your mind to consciously / subconsciously to learn even if you don’t want to by making you do it over and over and over again until you get whatever it is you are trying to learn.

Think about a time in your life when you tried to do something and you failed or did not get the results you wanted. For me it was when I wanted to learn how to play the Guitar.

You know, I always wanted to learn how to play the Guitar and jam out like they do on TV. One night, (why is always at night) I was watching one those home shopping channels (hint It begins with “H”) with a three letter name (hahaha) and they had this deal for a guitar, amp, strings and lessons (total package) and a money back guarantee.  So without thinking twice, I pulled the credit card, jumped at the deal and bought it. While I waited for it to arrive, I imagined all the songs (not just one or two but tons) I would be playing once I learned and couldn’t wait. Well, fast forward about two months later (one month after I got my guitar package) and the guitar, amp, string and lessons where just sitting there, doing nothing. I did open it, I did try and guess what I found out that I was not naturally gifted to just pick up and jam, so I got frustrated, said some not so nice words and gave up way before I even really tried. I thought it would be easy (It was not) and so I did not practice (repeat what I was taught) and soon gave up.

So like me, one of the reasons why you most likely have failed at learning something new was because you gave up too quickly due to frustration/motivation/lack of interest before you became proficient at what you were trying to learn. If you’re being honest with yourself, you gave up way before you tried.

Now, think back to when you were first started to learn how to drive a car. Like the Guitar scenario above, you probably had dreams of freedom, driving down the street all alone enjoying the good life. But once you started learning how to drive, like most of us (including me) you were probably terrible at driving and wanted nothing more but to throw your hands up in defeat and quit. Once, while I was learning to drive with my Mom, I got so frustrated (learning to drive a stick, big no no)and after stalling the card for the hundredth time,  I got out of the car and walked home leaving her alone in the car to drive back.  But unlike the guitar scenario, I did not give up and did succeed.

How did I do it?

I did not quit, I got back in that stupid car and drove every day that I could (find someone to drive with) until I was good enough to A. Get my license and then B. Be good enough to drive confidently and alone.

And what’s another word for all the practice that I did to learn how to drive? That’s right, Repetition.

Without Repetition, you will never, ever be good at speaking, reading, writing or understanding Spanish.


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7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Setting Goals

Setting Goals


How does one go about Settings Goals in regards to learning Spanish?

Before we get to on how to set a Goal or why a Goal is important, let’s define what a Goal is so we are all on the same page. A Goal can be defined as the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

Another way of looking at what a goal could be, is it’s the desired result of an action that you want to take.

So the question becomes, why is setting goals so important for learning Spanish?

If you think about it, without goals in place, how would someone know if they achieved what they wanted to achieve.

Have you ever known someone who loves to start new projects and yet never finishes? I bet if you were to ask them what goals they have written down on their current project or if they even have any goals, they would look at you funny. Then when they realize you are being serious, the only goal they would be able to give you is the impossible / endgame goal. Sadly this goal is not enough to complete the task but does give them what they want which is the illusion of trying but not actually trying.

Most people in general (me included) are actually terrible at making achievable goals, letting alone writing them down.  This partly/mostly explains why they (me included) never accomplish their life long dreams or do what they wanted / planned to do. They see the big picture, they can see it in all its glory like its right in front of them, but they just can’t figure out to get there.

So how do we (me included), figure out how to get from point A to point Z with a game plan that actually works.

Two words my friends – Setting Goals.

At the end of the day, goals are really helpful step because they can allow you to take a very large task which seems nearly impossible to complete and break it down into more manageable/easily able to complete tasks/goals so that we (me included) do not get discouraged or just flat out give up.

So start setting goals and work towards achieving all that you want in life, including learning Spanish.


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7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Stay Positive

Stay Positive


When learning anything new, wither complex or simple, the easiest attitude to get is to become frustrated and negative. This type of thinking will almost always lead you to lose faith that you will succeed and lead you down the path of another goal not achieved, not attained, not completed and no one wants that.

So how can you avoid this way of thinking when learning something new and Is it possible?

The solution is really simple to say but very hard to do and that’s Stay Positive.


So how do you go about staying positive when everything inside of you is telling you that it would be so much easier to be negative and just give up?

Like everything else in life, it takes practice, a whole lot of practice.


Sorry, I know you were probably looking for a magic bullet or an easier answer but there isn’t. If you do find one, please let me know cause up to this point in my life I have yet to find one.

Stay Positive in Spanish

The truth is that you just got to work on staying positive every day.  As they say (who I have no idea), it’s much easier to work on something in good times than It is during the bad times. What I mean is that if have a positive mind frame and you are facing obstacles, your brain will find a way to push through it and not give up. If on other hand you are constantly negative and down in the dumps, you will have no chance of success in learning Spanish or anything for that matter.



So the moral of this story is, staying positive gives you a much better chance of success than being negative. So smile more, frown less and realize that you are not the first nor the last person who has successfully learned Spanish. So chin up, and get going.

The sooner you start, the faster you will get there and when you look back and see how far you have come you will realize that being positive not only helped you learn Spanish but it also impacted every other part of your life.  Soon you will see the glass as half full instead of half empty like you did previously. Like the picture above says “Success ahead” but what it doesn’t say but should is that success can be found in all aspects of your life and all it took was being a little more positive.




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7 Steps to Mastering Spanish

Speak Spanish

Speak Spanish

Now you may be asking yourself, don’t I need to learn Spanish before I can start speaking Spanish?

To be honest, the answer to this question is a little bit of Yes and no.

Yes, in that you need to know / learn some Spanish before you can start speaking but no, in that you need to know Spanish fluently before you start.

I know that you are probably thinking, who is going to wait until they are fluent before they start speaking but you would be surprised. A lot of people usually don’t start doing something new in public or private until they are really good or decent and that can be a while. They want to e as close to perfect as possible so they put off putting into use what they learn which in the end delays there success of achievement that much longer.

Speak Spanish

The best thing you can do when first starting out, is learn a few words or numbers that you can use in your daily conversation and then start using them.  That way you will not only reinforce what you are learning by repeating what you know over and over again,  but you are also building your confidence which in turn will allow you to speak more words in Spanish.

It’s a viscous cycle I know, but hey at least it’s a good one. This cycle will allow you to achieve your goal of learning Spanish much more quickly than just reading and learning.

When it comes to learning Spanish you have to move past just being book smart and moving towards being street smart and using every lit bit you learn as fast you can.


The sooner you start speaking Spanish or Spanglish (even if it’s terrible), the quicker you will start learning Spanish.


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