Colors English to Spanish

Accessories in English and Spanish

Accessories in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***


English Spanish
Accessories Accesorios
cap gorra
hat/snow hat el sombrero
hood bapucha
beret boina
belt cinturón
necklace collar
bracelet pulsera
watch reloj
earrings aretes/pendientes
ring anillo
gloves guantes
mittens manoplas
scarf bufanda
handkerchief pañuelo
leggings leggings
sunglasses gafas de sol/lentes de sol

Accessories in English and Spanish

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Colors English to Spanish

Footwear in English and Spanish

Footwear in English and Spanish

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English Spanish
Footwear Calzado
flip-flops chanclas
sandals sandalias
ballet flats bailarinas
flip-flops chancletas
loafers mocasines
sneakers zapatos deportivos /zapatillas deportivas /tenis
tennis shoes zapatos deportivos /zapatillas deportivas /tenis
trainers zapatos deportivos /zapatillas deportivas /tenis
heels tacones
flats zapatos de tacón bajo /flats
boots botas
ankle boots botines
slippers pantuflas/zapatillas
espadrilles esparteñas
dress shoes zapatos de vestir

Footwear in English and Spanish

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Clothing English to Spanish

Outerwear in English and Spanish

Outerwear in English and Spanish

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English Spanish
Outerwear Ropa de abrigo
coat abrigo
jacket chaqueta/chamarra/saco
raincoat gabardina
bomber jacket cazadora bomber
jean jacket cazadora vaquera
motorcycle jacket cazadora motera
poncho poncho
parka parka
shawl chal/rebozo
anorak anorak


Outerwear in English and Spanish

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Clothing English to Spanish

Swimwear and Sportswear in English and Spanish

Swimwear and Sportswear in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***



English Spanish
bathing suit/swimsuit traje de baño
trunks bañador
bikini bikini
one-piece traje de baño enterizo
pareo pareo
rash guard camiseta de neopreno
board shorts bermudas para surfing
sweatshirt sudadera
hoodie sudadera con capucha
leggings mallas
sports bra sujetador deportivo
tracksuit chándal/pants/buzo/jogging


Swimwear and Sportswear in English and Spanish

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Clothing English to Spanish

Underwear and Nightwear in English and Spanish

Underwear and Nightwear in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***


English Spanish
Underwear and Nightwear Ropa interior y ropa de dormir
underwear ropa interior
bra sostén/sujetador
panties/panty calzón/panti/pantaleta/braga
briefs calzones/calzoncillos
boxers calzoncillos/bóxer
thong Tanga
tights medias
pantyhose medias/pantimediassocks
socks calcetines / medias
no-show socks calcetines invisibles
pyjamas pijama
camisole camisol
robe bata
nightie camisón


Underwear and Nightwear in English and Spanish

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Clothing English to Spanish

Dress and Formal Wear in English and Spanish

Dress and Formal Wear in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***


English Spanish
Dress, Skirts, and Formal Wear Vestidos, faldas, y ropa formal
dress vestido
skirt falda
miniskirt minifalda
suit traje
tie corbata
bowtie pajarita/moño
suspenders tirantes
tuxedo/tux smoking/esmoquin
vest chaleco
romper mono
overalls peto
sundress vestido sin mangas
gown vestido/vestido largo
wedding dress vestido de novia


Dress and Formal Wear in English and Spanish

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Clothing English to Spanish

Pants and Shorts in English and Spanish

Pants and Shorts in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

English Spanish
pants pantalón
trousers pantalón
jeans pantalón vaquero/pantalón de mezclilla
linen pants pantalón de lino
dress pants pantalón de vestir
suit pants pantalón de traje
shorts pantalón corto/short
joggers joggers
sweat pants/track pants pantalón de chándal/pants/pantalón de jogging


Pants and Shorts in English and Spanish

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Clothing English to Spanish

Shirts and Blouses in English and Spanish

Shirts and Blouses in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***


English Spanish
T-shirt playera/camiseta
shirt camisa
button-down shirt camisa
polo polo
top top
blouse blusa
blazer americana
bodysuit body
sweatshirt sudadera
sweater jersey
sweater suéter
cardigan cárdigan/chaqueta de punto
tunic túnica


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English to Spanish Greetings

Greetings in English and Spanish

Greetings in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***


Hey – What’s up, buttercup?

English Spanish
Hey. Oye.
What’s up? ¿Qué pasa?
What’s up? ¿Qué fue?
What’s up? ¿Qué onda?
What’s up? ¿Quiubo?
What’s going on? ¿Qué es la que hay?
How’s it going? ¿Cómo vas?
What’re you up to? ¿En qué andas?
What’s new? ¿Qué más?
What’s shaking? ¿Cómo van las cosas?
What’s new? ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
How are we doing? ¿Cómo estamos?
What’s up, buttercup? ¿Qué pasa, calabaza?

Hi. / Hey. – How are things?

Hi. / Hey. Hola.
How’re you? / How are you doing? (informal singular) ¿Cómo estás?
How’re you? / How are you doing? (informal plural) ¿Cómo están?
Hi. How’re you? (informal singular) Hola, ¿cómo estás?
Hi. How’re you? (informal plural) Hola, ¿cómo están?
What’s new? ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
How’s it going? (informal singular) Cómo te va?
How’s it going?(informal plural) Cómo les va?
What’s up? ¿Qué onda?
What’s up? ¿Qué pasa?
How are things? ¿Cómo van las cosas?

Hello – Good evening.

Hello. Hola.
How are you? (formal singular) ¿Cómo está?
How are you? (formal plural) ¿Cómo están?
Hello. How are you? (formal singular) Hola, ¿cómo está?
How are you? (formal plural) Hola, ¿cómo están?
It’s nice to meet you. Mucho gusto.
It’s nice to see you. (formal singular) Gusto en verlo.
It’s nice to see you. (formal plural) Gusto en verlos.
Good morning. Buenos días.
Good afternoon. Buenas tardes.
Good evening. Buenas noches.

Greetings in English and Spanish

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English to Spanish Family

Family in English and Spanish

Family in English and Spanish

*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***

Mother – Younger Brother/Little Brother

English Spanish
mother madre
mom/mum mamá
Father padre
dad papá
sister hermana
brother hermano
older sister/big sister hermana mayor
older brother/big brother hermano mayor
younger sister/little sister hermana menor/hermanita
younger brother/little brother hermano menor/hermanito

Grandmother  – Nephew

grandmother abuela
grandma/grandmom abuelita
grandfather abuelo
grandpa/granddad abuelito
granddaughter nieta
grandson nieto
aunt tía
uncle tío
niece sobrina
nephew sobrino

Cousin, Boy Cousin – Half-Brother

cousin, boy cousin primo/primo hermano
cousin, girl cousin prima/prima hermana
stepmother madrastra /madre política
stepmom/stepmum madrastra/madre política
stepfather padrastro /padre político
stepdad padrastro /padre político
stepsister hermanastra
stepbrother hermanastro
half-sister media hermana
half-brother medio hermano

Mother-In-Law – Great-Great-Grandfather

mother-in-law suegra /madre política
father-in-law suegro/padre político
sister-in-law cuñada
brother-in-law cuñado
daughter-in-law nuera
son-in-law yerno
great-grandmother bisabuela
great-grandfather bisabuelo
great-great-grandmother tatarabuela
great-great-grandfather tatarabuelo

Great-Aunt/Grand-Aunt – Second Cousin

great-aunt/grand-aunt tía abuela
great-uncle/grand-uncle tío abuelo
grand-niece sobrina nieta
grand-nephew sobrino nieto
great-granddaughter bisnieta
great-grandson bisnieto
great-great-granddaughter tataranieta
great-great-grandson tataranieto
second cousin prima segunda /primo segundo

Family in English and Spanish

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